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How Long Do Points Stay on Your License in Ohio?

Updated: Nov 3, 2020

After obtaining an Ohio driver’s license, the Bureau of Motor Vehicles keeps track of everyone's driving record to ensure that all licensed drivers travel safely. To do this, Ohio driving records have a system of points that indicate the severity of offenses. Each driving offense has a specific amount of points- the more points mean it is a more severe violation.

Points stay on an Ohio driving record for a two-year period. If at any time in the two years a driver accumulates 12 points or more, then the driver is subject to license suspension for a six-month period.

Points on License in Ohio

Do Driver's License Points Go Away?

Technically, points do not disappear on their own from a driving record. However, when drivers obtain them on their driving records in Ohio, drivers are subject to license suspension for a two-year period, which begins on the date of the first conviction. If a driver receives 12 points within those two years, then the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles suspends their driver’s license for six months. After two years, beginning on the date of the first violation, the offenses do not count toward the 12 point requirement for suspension.

How Do Points Get Taken Off?

The purpose of the point system is to keep drivers safe on the road. If a driver accumulates too many violations on their driving record within a two-year period, then they must complete a suspension and a driving course to regain driving access. However, to get points taken off before two years end, drivers are allowed to take a remedial driving course to get access to a two-point removal. To be eligible, though, drivers must have fewer than 12 points on the driving record.

How to Get Reinstated After a Driving Suspension?

The Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles suspends drivers after getting a certain number of points. Still, they also require action to reduce the probability of drivers receiving traffic violations in the future.

To get reinstated, drivers need to complete a six-month suspension and complete a driving course. They must also pay a fee, file a certificate of insurance, and retake the driving license exam.

What Are Some Violations that Warrant Points?


The number of points gained from speeding depends on how far over the limit drivers go. Going 30 mph or more over the limit can call for four points or immediate license suspension. An Ohio BMV driving record gains two points for going over ten mph in a 55 mph or higher zone and for going five mph in any other zones.

Getting caught for speeding over a traffic camera does not grant points on a driving record. All drivers must do is pay the fine.

Other Violations

Drivers can gain two points on their driving record when they fail to stop at a stop sign or a red light, or if they turn improperly.

Drivers can receive six points on their record for more severe offenses. Some of these include driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, driving under suspension, drag racing, or fleeing from a law enforcement officer. These offenses can also warrant immediate suspension, no matter the number of points on a driving record.

Six Point Warning

The Ohio BMV sends drivers a six-point warning letter when they have met the half-way mark to reaching a suspension. The letter also states the reinstatement requirements and the violations listed on the driving record. Ohio tries to make sure that their driving population stays safe. Therefore, keep track of violations and always be alert when out on the road.

If you want information on Ohio vehicle laws like if it is illegal to drive with interior lights on in Ohio, The Keating Firm LTD. can give you the information you need.

Disclaimer: The details included in this blog is offered for educational purposes only, and should not be taken as lawful guidance in any way. No recipients of material from this blog, clients or otherwise, should or should not act on the basis of any material consisted in the blog without seeking the appropriate legal or other professional guidance on the particular facts and situations at issue from an attorney accredited in the recipient's state.


Magnet Alice
Magnet Alice
Nov 13, 2024

the points don't affect your driving record beyond that Mapquest Directions period. It's important to note that accumulating 12 or more points within two years can result in a license suspension.


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