What You Should Know About Bexley
Bexley is an organized neighborhood in Franklin County, Ohio. The neighborhood has a population of about 15000 residents and covers an approximate area of 2.4 square miles. Bexley was formed as a merger between Bullitt Park and Lutheran college communities. A majority of the people in this neighborhood are whites. African-Americans and other racial groups form less than 15 percent of the total population. Most of the residents in Bexley are senior professionals who are homeowners. However, several young professionals also live in the neighborhood. Most of the young professionals live in rented houses and tend to be liberal. Several art galleries are located close to Bexley. The proximity of the neighborhood to these galleries makes it an ideal neighborhood for lovers of art. Here are popular art galleries that you might visit while in Bexley. Visit this link for more information.
Art Access
Art Access is one of the best galleries near Bexley. The gallery displays a variety of art, including paintings and sculptures. The owners of Art Access ensure visitors receive the best services during their time at the gallery. The outstanding fact about this gallery is the textured, colored pressed glass artifacts. Read about Experience the Ohio Nightlife in Huber Ridge here.
Schumacher Gallery
Schumacher Gallery has some of the best art collections in Ohio. The artifacts in the gallery range from old paintings to modern pictures. This gallery is open every day of the week except Sundays. Other forms of art in this gallery include sculptures and tapes.