It is common for a personal injury attorney to reject a client’s case. Not due to bad faith but just some issues here and there. Below are the perfect reasons that may lead to this. Find further facts here.
Minimal to No Damages
Most personal injury attorneys who fight for the plaintiff genuinely want to help those injured, but they also need to make a living. And since they work on contingency, that means for them to make that living, there must be a settlement. If you experienced mental anguish, but there was minimal medical expense or little missed work, the damages are minor, and chances of getting a payment are diminished. Read about When To Hire a Personal Injury Attorney here.
You are Partial to Blame
If you were injured, but you weren't exercising reasonable care, you may be found to have some responsibility for causing the accident in which you were hurt. For example, maybe you were texting or talking on your phone when you fell; the defendant could claim you were distracted enough not to see and avoid a potentially dangerous situation.
A lack of serious injuries
No one wants you to have been hurt worse, but the truth is that you need to prove you’ve suffered significant damages from the accident to make the time and effort of pursuing a claim worth your and your attorney’s while.